New Music Discovery System


I was given the prompt to design a new concept related to music culture & discovery systems. The concept would also need to incorporate digital materials and interactivity.


Passive Method
Terrestrial radio is a passive method of music discovery because the information is pushed to the user without any type of action.

Most often radio stations are organized by genre and the listener have an idea as to the types of songs they might hear on a particular station.

Mixed Method
The Shazam application is a mix between passive and active music discovery because the user hears a passive push of information, or music, and takes action as a result to discover the artist.

Shazam is music recognition software that uses an online database to tell the user artist, song title, album name, and genre of the song currently playing.

Active Method
Users visiting are partaking in active music discovery. Using a music blog such as Pitchfork is a form of information pull rather than push where the user is seeking to find new information about music, bands or songs.


LINT is a music service that works through your clothing to facilitate music exploration into new genres and cultures.

Music playlists (lint) are transferred between users when they lightly brush against each other. Through wireless data transfer, samples are instantly available on their portable music device.

Smart Fabric Technology
The integration of metallic yarns into textiles allows for conductive fabrics. These fabrics can incorporate microcontroller systems that are able to sense proximity and touch. The clothing will be comprised of microfibers that have small sensors to detect when they come in contact with another article of LINT clothing.

Close Proximity Wireless Transfer Technology
Data transfer system, Sony Transfer Jet, which relies on close proximity - 3cm maximum - and will deliver up to 560 Mbps when two compliant devices are brought together.


We come in physical contact with others, wether intentional or accidental, on a daily basis. Why not take advantage of these situations and explore new cultures and music due to these interactions?